This website has been prepared solely for the purpose of providing information about the Live in the Now Foundation. This website contains information, data, documents and images prepared by the Live in the Now Foundation and which is protected by copyright.
Whilst the information contained on this website has been compiled in good faith and presented with due care, no representation or warranty is made by the Live in the Now Foundation as to the completeness or accuracy of the information. Website users should be aware that the information may be incomplete, contain errors or omissions or may have become out of date.
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The information published by the Live in the Now Foundation on this website is considered to be true and correct at the date of publication, however that information may become out of date and/or there may be changes in circumstances after the date of publication that may impact upon the accuracy of the information provided. The information may change without notice and the Live in the Now Foundation reserves the right to add, modify or delete any information on this website at any time and is not liable in any way for the accuracy of any information interpreted by any person.
The information on this website includes information provided by various third parties. The Live in the Now Foundation takes no responsibility for the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of any information provided by third parties nor the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of links or references to information sources (including internet sites) outside of the Live in the Now Foundation.
The links to third party websites are provided for information only and those websites are not under the control of the Live in the Now Foundation. The utmost care has been taken in providing information from and links to third party websites to provide other suitable information and resources. However, as the information on third party websites may be subject to change, it is the website user’s responsibility to make their own enquiries, investigations and decisions about he information published on any third party websites. By the Live in the Now Foundation providing links to third party websites, it does not imply any endorsement, non-endorsement, support or commercial gain by the Live in the Now Foundation.